# Marseille

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Join us for winter urban photo hikes in Marseille to discover the colors of sunsets. The participation fee is €55 per person and includes a professional guide, landscape photography tips, and a tasting of typical Mediterranean and Aegean regional products. The hikes take place on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm, from January 22 to February 9, 2022. Reservation can be made on the website. The page also showcases the artist's digital paintings of landscapes from their journeys on the trails.

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Discover the preserved Mediterranean nature and urban cultural mosaic of Marseille through a weeklong photographic hiking tour in the Calanques de Marseille-Cassis and the mountains range in the state of Bouches-du-Rhône. Taste typical regional Mediterranean and Aegean food and get professional guiding services and landscape photography advice. Book now for a one day photographic hiking tour for €80 per person.

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Proposition de journées ou de séjours de randonnée en groupe intégrant des animations et des ateliers photographiques sur les sentiers. Tarif de participation de € 80.- par personne incluant l'encadrement du guide professionnel, des conseils en matière de photographie de paysage et une dégustation de produits typiques régionaux méditerranéens et égéens. Projets personnels de randonnées photographiques également disponibles.

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